Conscientious Objection & The Courage To Resist

Interview on WSLRQ:

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Conscientious objection and the courage to resist.During the first half of the show we speak with Dave Hilsheimer (Vietnam veteran) and Will Rauschenberger (Conscientious objector) John Welch discusses his draft resisting experience.
On the second half of the show we speak Army Private First Class (PFC) Nasser Abdo,he is engaged in a struggle against religious discrimination and for freedom of conscience in the US Army. PFC Abdo is seeking a conscientious objector discharge from the military based on his religious beliefs as a Muslim, but his unit has instead decided to try to force him to deploy to Afghanistan. We are urging all people of conscience around the world to stand in solidarity with Nasser Abdo.

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Posted in Peace and Justice.

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