Western Zen Buddhism
Offering inquiry into "Original Nature" (Buddha Nature) and Non-Duality. Practicing Ordinary Zen. Committed to making ordinary, everyday life - extraordinary!
Upon his enlightenment, Buddha was seated in meditation. Zen practice returns to that same seated meditation over and over again. For over 2500 years that meditation has continued from generation to generation. Through our practice we become more productive, clear, compassionate beings, living life fully, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. This, in turn, helps us personally, as well as countless others.
Ordinary Zen Sangha

OZS - Altar
A Modern Zen Meditation Practice Center
Mission: To provide a supportive environment in which one can directly experience the essential wisdom teachings of the Buddha through the timeless, ageless practice of what is called Zen, Chan or Seon. The Ordinary Zen Sangha (OZS) is committed to bringing the benefits of this wisdom practice into our ordinary lives, just as they are, in this place and time.
No experience is necessary and all are welcome. A donation is not required to participate, however, donations are accepted and help defray our costs.
You may contact me here for more information and to RSVP. Please see the calendar on the OZS website for any cancellations or changes to the schedule.
Sundays and Wednesdays are our practice sessions. See the OZS website for more information...
Thank you for visiting, please explore my posts and poems like a landscape to see what is here to be seen.
-Will Rauschenberger