
Wars are fought by those claiming it is self defense and noble… All claim God is on their side… Painting the world as black and white is fallacy, it is neither this or that.I once had a teacher that had a sign above the door that was just below the clock as you left class, […]

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The jewel

As worn-out clothes are discarded, the hidden jewel is exposed. The ever-changing on the changeless ground, Unmoving yet ever-changing it erupts in splendor. Naked freedom, the brilliance of a jewel.    Share the joy     

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Not this, not that

finding the middle way in the moment…Neither new, modern or oldjust current to the culture in which we live,the Zen of our time is the apparent within the real and the real within the apparent. Emptiness is a paradox that is neither this or that. Share the joy     

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