
“Sailing along on a boat, scanning the shore, you may mistake the land as sliding by. You need to focus closely on the boat to see that it’s what’s moving along. In the same way, surveying all things with body and mind in disarray, you may mistake your own mind and own nature as enduring. […]

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The unexpected Butterfly

The Gulf of Mexico, aqua green. The surface like rippled glass reflects the sun. Gentle swells inform me of the tides and breeze. What is that in the distance? A form on the surface.A beautiful butterfly, orange, red, and black. Gently lifted out of the gulf and resting on kayak bow. I paddle on with […]

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Letting go IS Freedom

When old wounds lock down and imprison the heart and overcome the mind, acknowledge it completely and let compassion find its way through the cracks in the old walls that have been built over time. No matter how thick, the walls of resistance will crumble in the light of compassion. See that this too is […]

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Ebb and Flow

Like a fish, go with the natural ebb and flow of life… The inevitable changes don’t need to be road blocks to happiness. It is when I cling and don’t want change that I get caught in the muck of low tide.

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